Sunday, 31 July 2016


You may have used the GPS in Mobile Phone. Have you ever thought how it works?

Humans have looked to the skies to find their way since ancient times. Ancient sailors used the stars in the night sky to figure out where they were and where they were going.

Stars Constellations used to find path in Ancient times 

Today we need hand-held GPS (Global Positioning System) to figure out  exactly where we are in the world. GPS works with the help of satellites. There are number of satellites revolving around the earth. These satellite can tell exactly where we are.

Satellites around Earth

GPS is a system which is made up of three parts as follows:
1. Satellites.
2. Ground Station.
3. Receiver. 

Ground Stations. (also known as the "Control Segment") These stations monitor the GPS satellites, checking both their operational health and their exact position in space.

esa Ground Station

A GPS receiver's job is to locate four or more of satellites, figure out the distance to each, and use this information to deduce its own location using a mathematical principal called Trilateration .

From miles up in space your location on the ground can be determined with incredible precision. They can usually determine where you are within a few yards of your actual location. More high-tech receivers, though, can figure out where you are to within a few inches.


  1. Individuals ordinarily see that they require heaps of ocean information with a specific end goal to work a marine GPS. In any case this is not the situation. Much the same as whatever other GPS framework, you should simply to peruse the manual and comprehend the signs that are appeared on the GPS gadget.

  2. It is also possible to track the movement of the tracker across various sessions simultaneously. Location data of the tracker can be stored in a central location if it is required. Kids GPS Tracker


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